29 April 2010

[BFG] Latest Submissions and Rejections

Writing-wise, I'm not getting a lot done lately. Other things, like print jobs and applying for actual regular work, have been taking up my time. But that's just an excuse. Mostly it's just that I need more time home by myself, which is when I get the most done. But the boy is still job hunting, and therefore not *at* a job, so I putter along with work writing and various other tasks.

Anyway. Here's the latest in submissions and rejections, by story title:
  • "Cobblehore Knit" - submitted to and rejected by Clarkesworld; not sure where I'll send it next
  • "Great Skerry" - rejected by Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show; haven't decided where to send it next; the problem with this story is that it probably needs "Hollow Bones" and possibly a story about what happened between to really mean anything to the reader
  • "Hollow Bones" - submitted to Strange Horizons
  • "The Promise of Roses" - rejected by Strange Horizons; I may send it to Fantasy magazine next, or wait for Cabinet des Fees' June 1 submission date
  • "Sharper and More Fragrant" - submitted to Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show
  • "Spinning" - rejected by Realms of Fantasy; submitted to and rejected by Fantasy magazine, but with a rejection asking for more stories (yay!); haven't decided where to send it next

So that's it for now. Except obviously I need to finish that novel . . .

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